Working Together for the Code

Over the last three years, our secondary students have been reshaping our ‘Student Code of Conduct’ to better reflect our core values and promote a framework for positive behaviour, emphasising Respect, Community, Knowledge, Confidence, and Responsibility.

The process was initiated in 2021 with a ‘Senior School Leaders Breakfast’, where Year 12 prefects facilitated discussions with Senior School students about how the ‘Student Code of Conduct' could align with the School’s values and serve as a blueprint for promoting key positive behaviours. This meeting marked the beginning of a detailed and inclusive development process, during which students were asked to describe what the School’s values looked like in action.

The dialogue was extended to include Middle School students during several combined meetings with Middle School and Senior School leaders, ensuring that a wide range of student perspectives contributed to the draft ideas. These ideas were further refined through feedback from Pastoral Care Groups, involving both students and staff. This collaborative approach has helped ensure that our final document represents the whole School community and aligns with the values we are encouraged to embody.

We have placed a strong emphasis on student voice, involving them directly in the creation of the rules that govern their conduct. This participatory approach has not only fostered a sense of ownership among students but also encouraged them to engage more actively with the School community and understand that their voices are heard and matter.

In a symbolic gesture of commitment, our Head Prefects signed the Student Code of Conduct on behalf of the student body. This act underscored the students' dedication to upholding the values and standards outlined in the code.

We are now excited to share the final graphic representation of our Student Code of Conduct with you. It will be prominently displayed around the Secondary School and in each classroom. This visual reminder will reinforce the positive behaviours and standards expected of all students, fostering a culture of respect, community engagement, academic rigour, self-regulation and personal responsibility. As our ‘Student Code of Conduct’ translates into living our values, we expect that it will positively influence our school culture, promoting a respectful and motivated school body.

Our Primary School is also creating one based on the Secondary version, using language appropriate to our ELC and Junior School students. This school-wide project will ensure that our School Values and Code of Conduct are instilled in our students from Kindy and will transcend with them throughout their educational journey.

Ms Roseanne Madden
Deputy Principal